Mud People

Saturday, August 9, 12-1pm
We'll play host to this eclectic art group. The MUDPEOPLE will be hanging out and exploring the garden environment in their slow, curious way. They are a primal, non-verbal tribe with a simplified frame of reference. Often silent, they discover wonderful moments in place that most people by-pass and step through.
The MUDPEOPLE "mud-up" and walk about in the moment.
The MUDPEOPLE are liberated, without hurry or stress. They live in a vital, easy world of process and exploration, filled with wonder and joy.
The MUDPEOPLE will be clothed in local floral and mudded with various muds, including red cinder mud and island sands.
This is a free event, open to the public. Ample parking is available. Bring your cameras!
For more information call 985-8979 or email